Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Making orange juice

Orange juice is very healthy drink because it has a lot of vitamin C. I think most people in this world drink orange juice but, they don’t know how it is made. Today I am going to tell you how it is made.

First the fruit is unloaded and graded. Next it is washed and sized. Then it is extracted and the waste is fed to animals. After that it is evaporated at a high temperature for a short time and concentrated. Before it is shipped it is refrigerated in storage and canned in a machine. Finally before it is sent to the supermarket water is added to the concentrated juice.

I think it is along procedure but, it is not hard working because it is mostly done by a machine except two steps, the grading and shipping.

138 words

Monday, November 8, 2010


former                   ex-

authorities              officials

legend                    superstar

somebody              VIP

notoriety                infamy

serving                   carrying out

eligible                   entitled

belief                      faith

revelation                announcement

accessible                reachable

Reflection 2

How to write an essay about comparison and contrast?

To write an essay about comparison and contrast you should write 4 paragraphs.

The first paragraph is the introduction:
You should write an introduction about the two things you are comparing and contrasting.

The second paragraph is the similarities
Write the similarities between them and use words like:
like, same as...........................................................etc

The third paragraph is the differences.
Write the differences between them and use words like:
unlike, on the other hand........................................etc

The fourth paragraph is the conclusion:
you write here what you prefer and why?